#WeAreASJUSD Newsletter October 2024

Dear Parents,

Here is my monthly newsletter with a few items of celebration, a look back at some important events, anticipation of some upcoming important occasions, and some key reminders. Have a great end of the month!

    Barbara Dill-Varga, Ed.D
     Superintendent, Aromas-San Juan Bautista USD


Breakfast of Champions

Two ASJUSD staff members were recognized at the 14th annual Breakfast of Champions in Gilroy, celebrating outstanding contributions to Region 5 Expanded Learning Programs.

Manny Casteneda, custodial staff from San Juan, and Jivan Dhaliwal, Director of Curriculum, were honored for their dedication to supporting high-quality Expanded Learning initiatives across the region.

Breakfast of Champions

Why Anzar?

Why ANZAR? (the 3rd in a series to appear in the Parent Newsletter, containing information about our flagship school)


As parents, we want our children to understand the importance of being a good community member which may involve extending a helping hand and giving of one’s time and energy in a variety of ways.  Anzar has a strong belief in Service Learning and has 72 hours as a graduation requirement. During a student’s four years, a multitude of opportunities are weekly presented that students choose from to fulfill this requirement. It is a requirement, but we are focused on creating a lifelong habit of giving back.

US News Best High School

Some of the opportunities included:

  • Working in the snack shack for volleyball, for basketball, for football, and for soccer

  • Assisting with Anzar athletics outside of the snack shack = scorekeeping, ticket entry, parking, door duty, etc.

  • Babysitting for ELAC once-a-month meetings at San Juan and Aromas Schools

  • Helping coach a younger kids' team (soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, etc.)

  • Peer Tutoring , translating for Anzar's ELAC (Weds. mornings/ once a month)

  • Helping the Anzar Boosters with fundraisers

  • San Benito Land Ag and Trust

  • Azevedo Ranch- Horse Play

  • Church volunteer work

  • Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4H volunteer work

  • Helping at a homeless shelter or an animal shelter

 For many it was an opportunity to also explore careers or future jobs. 47% of last year’s class exceeded the required number of service learning  hours.

Looking Back....


Instructional Calendars

Both of our employee unions voted on three years worth of school calendars. Our Board voted to accept those and they will go in effect starting with the 25-26 school year. Follow these links to see the calendars.  You will notice that our school year start date is later. This next August that means your child’s first day back to school will be: August 14 2025. Because of this late start each of the next  three years, the school year will end later in June. In 2026, the last day for students will be June 12.  You can check the calendars to see where the other holiday breaks occur, too.

Approved School Year Calendars:

Website Committee Convened

We continue to work on our goal of improving communication.  One apparent need is for us to improve our website to make sure that the information is current and easy to find. Our newly formed committee is comprised of parents, a student, teachers, and administrators. 

We spent some time identifying criteria for a new site and sent out a survey to collect feedback from different stakeholder groups. At the end of October, we had three vendor demonstrations and will make a decision by December to take to the Board for approval.

During second semester, we will begin the migration and development of content. We hope to go live at the start of the next school  year with an improved site that makes it easier to find information.

Chronic Absenteeism

We continue to work on reducing chronic absenteeism. We know that when students are in attendance, their student achievement increases. To date this year, our efforts have paid off as we have accomplished the following milestones:            

Attendance Rates as of 10/24/2024

  • Anzar:             95.37%   

  • Aromas           95.05%

  • San Juan         94.89%

 While this represents progress, we hope you work with us to raise our rates even higher.

Everyday Counts

Town Hall Meeting was held on October 17

Information was shared about facility needs that are being addressed by Measure O (San Juan School) and the ones that remain to be supported by a future bond passage of Measure D. 

Participants were asked for some initial feedback and discussion about what improvements are needed at Aromas School and the following list was discussed: 

Safety issues (alarms, fencing, entrance access points), replacing 5 portables, rethinking/expanding preschool, development of outdoor learning spaces/ science lab, addressing water issues/flooding problems/water pipes, adding shade structures, renovation of cafeteria and HVAC for it, general bldg maintenance and repairs, water bottle refilling stations, upgrade library and room 7 as maker space, and improve sports areas/track. 

Anzar High School concept design was also shared and discussed with David Jakes who zoomed in to present an initial idea for renovating the main admin building.

Coming Up.....

DATA confirmation- why we need it

Even with the numerous texts and emails we have sent to strongly encourage all parents to complete our data confirmation, we are still only at about 50% response rates. That means that nearly 500 families have not responded!

Please know that we are mandated to ensure that every family receives the information, signs the requisite documents, and updates their information with us. Not only is this important for emergency contact information, but we use the information to qualify for state funding in different categories, particularly to support our ability to provide FREE food to all children in the morning, at lunch, etc.  We also have resources for those who may be homeless and need to have accurate counts in this category, too.

PLEASE either complete the paper packets that we will be sending home to those families who did not complete the process online.  These signature packets will soon be distributed by the classroom teacher to your child and we will be checking off names as packets are returned. You will be asked to verify that you have used the link to access and review the full document online.  Follow up phone calls will occur to ensure we have 100% compliance.  Next year, we are considering making this process a “before school starts mandatory requirement for enrollment.” PLEASE HELP US COMPLETE THIS PROCESS AND THANK YOU IF YOU HAVE BEEN ONE OF THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE RESPONDED!

Dia de las Muertas

Theatre Arts is becoming a signature at San Juan.

As you may know, San Juan Bautista is the home of El Teatro Campesino. Cristal Avila, kinder teacher, is a member of that organization and we also have Principal Ethan Stocks who majored in theater in college. 

This year, Ms. Avila is directing Between Mundos, a play she wrote.. The new San Juan School design also will have a performance space that supports theatrical performances for outdoor audiences, too. We hope this is a space El Teatro may use as they work with us in partnership. 

The premier of the play is on November 1.

Sponsoring an Anzar student’s college application fee

I am sure you know that college tuition has increased, but you might not be aware that application fees are also very expensive.  It is our goal that all student who can qualify to apply to a U of California school or a California State University School can do so even if they don’t have the funds for the application fee.  We want every student to be able to at least complete one application for free. 

To that end, Anzar Principal Crawley has solicited donations to a fund to cover these fees.  We’d like to invite you to “Sponsor a Senior”.  The cost is about $70.   If you are willing to join many of us in supporting at least one student, please contact Angela  at acrawley@asjusd.org.  One of the benefits of being a small district in a close knit community is that we care for each other and for our young!  Please consider contributing! And thanks!

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

County western singer Dolly Parton is a celebrity who cares about literacy. Her foundation supports sending a book a month to children ages 0 to 5.  By the time the child turns 6, they have a library of 60 curated books appropriate to their level!  Imagine that!  San Benito County Office of Education is working with United Way to take care of the part of the funding Dolly requires the local community to supply. Each elementary school will have forms you can fill out and return to take part in the program. Or you can access them here at this link. We have worked with the county so that all of our students – even those who live in Monterey County or Santa Cruz county– may participate. If you reside in one of those two counties, please return your completed forms to our district office or your school site office and we will get your entered into the database.

Dolly Parton Imagination Library


Measure D on the November 5, 2024 Ballot

ASJUSD’s school board has placed a question on the ballot to seek $44 million in bond funding to:

  1. Complete phase 3 of the construction of San Juan School

  2. Make needed improvements at Aromas school and

  3. Improve the facilities of Anzar High School as we address future needs for our students.

This is a reminder to please look for Measure D on your ballot. 

Important Dates:

  • Next Regular Board Meeting is November 13, 2024 at 7PM in Anzar Library.

  • The Facilities Committee meeting is October 30, 2024 at 5:00 PM in the District Annex.