New Teacher salaries start at $61,200 with a fully paid induction program with the Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Project.
We will be opening our certificated teacher pools in early Spring! We offer a variety of opportunities from Dual Immersion, Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Middle School and High School Instruction and CTE!
We continually recruit classified personnel throughout the school year. We are actively recruiting for General Education and Special Education para professionals and Yard Duty Supervisors at our elementary sites!
Contact Information:
Anne Siri - HR Director at 831-623-4500 x 1212
Michelle Para - HR Specialist at 831-623-4500 x 1200
Aromas/San Juan Unified School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, citizenship status, genetic information, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, medical condition, political activities or affiliations, or military or veteran status pursuant to the California Code. The Human Resources Department of the Aromas/San Juan Unified School District will make reasonable efforts in recruitment and examination process to accommodate applicants with disabilities.
All employment offers are contingent on background check results being acceptable and Board of Trustees approval.