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Barb Dill-Varga
Marisa Soto
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
831-623-4500, ext. 1215
Jivan Dhaliwal
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
831-623-4500, ext. 1255
Daniel Ornelas
Chief Business Official
831-623-4500, ext. 1214
Anne Siri
Human Resource Director
831-623-4500 ext. 1212
Michelle Dougherty
Director of Special Education and Student Services
831-623-4500, ext. 1222
Cesar Portillo
Technology Coordinator
831-623-4500, ext. 1257
Dan Carrillo
Manager, Maintenance & Operations
831-623-4776 ext. 1252
Sam Torres
Coordinator of Assessment and Data
831-623-4500 ext. 1221
Maria Solano
Transportation Manager
831-623-4500, ext. 1251
Margarita Carrillo-Gaitan
Preschool Director
Cynthia Rodriguez
Business Department Support Specialist
831-623-4500, ext. 1217
Michelle Parra
Human Resources Support Specialist
831-623-4500 ext. 1220
Sandra Simmons
Special Services / C&I Support
831-623-4500, ext. 1223
Edtson Beltran
Tech Assistant I
Jose Garcia
Migrant Counselor